5 types of civil engineering work

5 types of civil engineering work AMZCO Construction

The 5 main types of civil engineering work

Civil engineering describes the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure, including bridges, flood defences, roads, tunnels and environmental construction projects such as wind turbines.

A specialist area of engineering and construction, civil engineering can be divided into a number of different categories. Here, we’ll explore 5 types of civil engineering work.

5 types of civil engineering work

Infrastructure Engineering: this type of civil engineering centres around all the phases of  constructing roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, and all associated works to ensure functionality such as drainage, electrics etc. Infrastructure engineers work are preoccupied with sustainability, efficiency and creating effective solutions.  

Structural Engineering: structural engineering is concerned with the sustainable, economical and efficient construction of structures, including bridges, towers and skyscrapers or building homes and public works of structural art. Structural engineering is often considered to be the most significant element specifically of the project design and material phase.

Environmental Engineering: Environmental Engineers conduct detailed analyses on a broad spectrum of environmental issues using the principles of biology, chemistry, soil science and engineering to find the most suitable solutions. Environmental engineers are employed to improve and find environmental solutions such as recycling, waste control, water and air pollution control; including preserving natural resources in the surrounding area.

Geotechnical Engineering: geotechnical engineering is similar to groundworks in construction in that a geotechnical engineer will work to support the design and construction of a project from a groundworks viewpoint; carrying out tests and analyses to assess risk to humans and the environment from natural hazards like avalanches, rock falls, sinkholes or even earthquakes. Geotechnical Engineers are typically concerned with roads, bridges or canals, and it’s up to this type of civil engineer to determine how the ground surrounding will interact with the project project in question.

Transportation Engineering: focussed on improving transportation methods, Transport Engineers support with the planning, design, operation and management of transport facilities and systems; applying technology and science to create safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly methods of transportation.


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