Commercial heat pump or commercial CHP?

commercial heat pump or commercial CHP website article AMZCO Construction

Which is greener: commercial heat pump or commercial CHP?

Heat pumps and Combined Heat & Power Units (CHPs) are both a low carbon, low emission energy source – both used to heat buildings whilst reducing costs and CO2 emissions. But which is greener: commercial heat pump or commercial CHP? 

Which is greener: commercial heat pump or commercial CHP?

All about heat pumps: also known as ground source heat pumps, heat pumps rely on geothermal energy and are a really effective way of tapping into the heat trapped deep underground and extracting it for use in our homes and businesses. 

As such, heat pumps are a renewable energy source and, particularly in countries where volcanic activity is plentiful – like Iceland for example – heat pumps can be extremely effective. 

Here in the UK, however, where drilling for geothermal technology is only now in its infancy – with both domestic and commercial heat pumps costing around £10,000+ to install – heat pumps aren’t yet especially accessible or commonplace. Although it’s important to note that this may change as geothermal energy schemes gain traction over the coming years! 

NB: If you compare a gas furnace to a heat pump system, a home using a heat pump would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around half over a 15 year period.

All about the commercial CHP: CHP systems burn fuel to turn generators that produce electricity, using heat recovery devices to capture this heat and convert into thermal energy, usually in the form of steam or hot water. 

CHP systems are incredibly efficient because they generate both heat and electricity from a single source. As such, they have a beneficial impact on air pollution and its consequences, as well as requiring less fuel to produce the energy output.

What’s more, CHP systems are extremely accessible and easy to obtain, the UK government offering a number of commercial CHP and low carbon emissions incentives in order to support businesses to go green and reduce their carbon footprint. 


Considering all of the above – right now, here in the UK – choosing a commercial CHP system over a commercial heat pump may be the greener option, and certainly help you to reduce your carbon footprint, save money and save energy right now! 

You can find out more about our CHP installation services, here or contact us for more information.

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