Essential tips for managing a new commercial build

Essential tips for managing a new commercial build AMZCO Construction

5 essential tips for managing a new commercial build

As businesses grow and new opportunities arise, so too will the need for office space; leading to necessary commercial renovations & extensions or investing in a new office entirely. And, if you currently find yourself in this position, you may be looking for pointers and essential tips for managing a new commercial build…

5 essential tips for managing a new commercial build

  • Consider and plan for how building work may affect your day-to-day business operations: managing a commercial building project is a time consuming affair that comes with a lot of questions, concerns, decision-making and stakeholder management which can take you away from the day-to-day operation of your business. As such, appointing a liaison and investing in a trusted contractor – a contractor with a wealth of experience in construction and commercial construction – will be vital to ensuring construction moves forward on time and on budget, with minimal impact on your business.
  • Don’t be tempted to go cheap: especially if you have a smaller budget, it can be tempting to look for the least expensive options when employing construction teams, electricians, plumbers and tradesmen. However, going cheap can often come with many risks and, actually, could even cost you much more, long term. When looking for contractors and commercial construction teams, rather than looking for price, look instead for both value and quality: the range of services offered, testimonials and client recommendations, experience & knowledge in the field, and – of course – previous projects. 
  • Trust your contractor: you know your business and what your business needs from a new commercial build. Your contractor knows how to execute the construction of that build to ensure your new commercial building is everything your business needs – therefore, trust and lean on your contractor! Ask them to guide you through the process, trust them to recommend the most suitable solution to a challenge or risk… and if you’re unsure of anything along the way – ask! 
  • Be generous with your both timeline and budget: particularly as part of the risk management strategy, it’s always a good idea to build a contingency into your expected timeline and budgets – ensuring that, should you come up against any challenges or unforeseen costs, delivery delays or anything of that nature – it won’t set you back. Always overestimate. 
  • Secure funding before you start: any construction project requires funds and securing all funding before kicking off will ensure that construction can begin immediately with minimal risk of slowing down or pausing mid-way due to lack of funds which could end up setting you back months, if not years. 


If you’re currently planning a new commercial build and would like to discuss your project with a team of experienced & skilled construction professionals, please click here or contact us today.

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