How does a CHP system work?

How does a CHP system work? AMZCO Construction

Combined heat & power systems: how does a CHP system work? 

An anaerobic digestion CHP system is a crucial element of any AD plant – generating heat & power that can be used on the farm and in other applications. But how does a CHP system work? 

How does a CHP system work? 

Combined Heat & Power systems (CHP) systems, like any typical generator, use natural gas to produce power. 

However, where a CHP system varies from a generator is with its heat recovery system, where a generator would lose heat as a waste product, and a CHP system recovers the heat generated for further use. 

This system recovers the excess energy released in the power generation process and utilises it for heating; energy that would otherwise be wasted is used to heat your facility while the CHP unit produces electricity. 

Within this, there are two common configurations of CHP systems: 

  1. Combustion turbine with heat recovery unit or 
  2. Steam boiler with steam turbine.

The first burns natural gas to turn generators that produce electricity whilst using heat recovery devices to capture heat from the engine and convert it into thermal energy.

The second produces steam in a boiler, then uses it to turn a turbine in order to run a generator and produce electricity; excess steam is then used to produce thermal energy.

Most importantly, however, is to ensure that your current CHP system is as efficient and cost effective as possible and, if your CHP unit is more than 10 years old, it could be time to upgrade. 


To find out more about our CHP solutions, please download our leaflet, visit CHP installation & upgrading or email us.

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