Is anaerobic digestion good for the environment?

Is anaerobic digestion good for the environment?

One of the main sectors in which we work is renewable energy and, within that, we offer the design & construction of anaerobic digestion plants; well-known as industry leaders in our field. This is something we’re incredibly proud of – both as a brand and as part of a growing team of experts. So, asking the experts: is anaerobic digestion good for the environment? 

Is anaerobic digestion good for the environment? 

Anaerobic digestion plants are part of the renewable energy sector and are good for the environment in a variety of ways, including:

Reducing reliance on landfill: increasingly, and in line with the UK”s pledge to reduce greenhouse emissions, the waste management sector is turning away from landfill and anaerobic digestion aids this movement by providing an alternative solution to the disposal of organic matter that can often end up in landfill. 

This is because the process of anaerobic digestion relies on breaking down the bacteria found in organic matter to produce biogas. 

As a result, not only do anaerobic digestion plants reduce reliance on landfill by reusing organic waste, but also ensure organic matter isn’t simply left in landfill to decay and emit methane into the atmosphere. 

Biogas and gas to grid: anaerobic digestion creates biogas – a natural gas made up of approximately 60% biomethane and 40% carbon dioxide – and that biogas can be pumped into the national grid to provide heat and power to homes all across the country; an alternative, renewable source of energy. 

Production of “green CO2”: the process of anaerobic digestion creates green CO2 as opposed to CO2 produced by fossil fuels which can be used in a number of industries such as food and drink production, providing a ‘clean’ alternative to long-established industrial processes. 

In short, anaerobic digestion is good for the environment; providing renewable and green solutions and alternatives to a number of areas of waste management, industrial production and energy production. 

To find out more about our work in anaerobic digestion, please click here or contact us.

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