Is anaerobic digestion the same as fermentation?

Is anaerobic digestion the same as fermentation? AMZCO Constuction

Anaerobic fermentation of biomass

Whilst anaerobic digestion and fermentation may seem similar on the surface – both occurring in the absence of oxygen – and anaerobic digestion is often referred to in many circles as fermentation, there are some significant differences. So, is anaerobic digestion the same as fermentation? What are the similarities, and what makes them different? Let’s explore… 

Is anaerobic digestion the same as fermentation?

Both anaerobic digestion (AD) and fermentation occur in the absence of oxygen and are used to break down organic material. Although, however similar in this regard, AD and fermentation involve different biochemical pathways to achieve this. 

Anaerobic digestion, for example, uses both glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, whereas fermentation involves only glycolysis, and is often carried out externally by microbes; anaerobic digestion, however, being an intracellular process.

The generation of biogas

Methane fermentation specifically and anaerobic digestion both generate biogas from organic waste in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment. 

And, although these anaerobic processes both produce biogas, their main differences lie in the biochemical pathways they follow; although each process starts with glycolysis, anaerobic digestion also utilises the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain – methane fermentation doesn’t.

When anaerobic digestion is referred to as fermentation

Although AD and fermentation are not the same, they are similar in some respects and, as such, they are often referred to interchangeably in predominantly non-scientific discussions. 

Why could this be? 

This is probably due to the fact that, on the surface and to the public and/or individuals who do not and do not need to understand the intricacies of AD, anaerobic digestion and fermentation seem very similar. What’s more, the term ‘fermentation’ is much more recognised and recognisable to anyone not operating within these circles. 

Anaerobic digestion plant construction

Here at AMZCO, we’ve successfully constructed and operated multiple anaerobic digestion plants at various locations across the country – designing, constructing and commissioning some of the UK’s most unique AD plants that are supplying heat & power to homes all across Britain. 


To find out more about our anaerobic digestion plant construction services, please click here or contact us to discuss your next AD project.

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