Key considerations for commercial building construction

Key considerations of commercial construction projects AMZCO Construction

Key considerations and best practices for commercial building construction

Commercial building construction is a complex process involving many plans, designs, contractors and subcontractors working together to achieve a purpose-built commercial building such as an office block, retail space or medical centre. With this in mind, we’ll explore key considerations for commercial building construction and best practices. 

Key considerations of commercial building construction

Proper planning and designing: creating a strong, comprehensive and flexible project plan will be paramount to the success of the construction project at hand; minimising the potential but very real risk of said project running over budget or beyond the expected deadline.

The planning phase is also an opportunity to thoroughly research any legal requirements, process any necessary background checks on contractors and gather quotations for work proposed. 

Within this, consider short and long term goals, financial plans and consult surveyors & architects in order to help you make well informed, confident decisions throughout the construction process. 

Financing and funding options: where additional financial and funding support is required to commence a large scale construction project, it’s important to spend time exploring and researching exactly what’s available to you and within what terms; dedicate time early on to speak to a number of construction professionals, project managers and funding professionals who know the market and will be well-placed to provide you with impartial information, advice and support regarding all-things funding. 

Of course, this links in nicely with setting an appropriate budget and dedicating time and resources to building a financial plan, including a contingency fund, should any barriers, challenges or unexpected issues arise. 

Permits and building regulations: obtaining permits and understanding building regulations will enable you to commence construction. 

The UK legislation divides commercial property into ‘Use Classes’ and, if any building operations change over time,  you need to acquire planning permission to switch from one class to another, altering the primary use of the building. 

Applications for planning must be submitted to your local planning authority using official forms, alongside any specific and adjoining planning applications.

All commercial properties in the UK must adhere to strict building regulations for safety, including compliance with regulations relating to things like access, sanitation and fire safety. 

Choosing a contractor: choosing an experienced, personable, professional and well-regarded contractor – a contractor that knows the industry and is willing to work with you to achieve your goals and ambitions – is one of the most important aspects of a commercial building project as, working with the right contractor will prevent frustration, delays, confusion and overspending. 

Working with contractors and subcontractors you can trust is key to ensuring the success of a project; an experienced, skilled and knowledgeable construction company will be able to adequately manage a project of almost any size and complexity, and the potential risks that come with it. 


Find out more about our commercial construction services or contact us to discuss your project.

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