What are the applications of biogas?

What are the applications of biogas? AMZCO Construction

Exploring the many applications of biogas

Biogas is a renewable energy source produced by breaking down organic matter using specific types or kinds of bacteria in an anaerobic (without the presence of oxygen) environment. As such, biogas is typically produced in an anaerobic digestion plant which can be connected to the National Grid and sold to heat and power homes & businesses in the UK. 

And, although heating and powering homes is a common and popular application of biogas, there are multiple applications or uses for the renewable energy source. So, here we’ll explore answers to the question: what are the applications of biogas?

What are the applications of biogas?

To produce biomethane for transportation: biogas can be ‘upgraded’ to biomethane – AKA ‘RNG’ – by scrubbing it of CO2, water, and other trace elements, and using it as a renewable fuel source in transportation. 

In CHP gas engines: biogas can be used in CHP gas engines to generate heat, hot water and electricity. This can be used to heat and power homes, businesses and factories and, in fact, hot water from a CHP gas engine cooling jacket can be used for anything using hot water, including manufacturing processes.

As a raw material to make chemicals otherwise produced from oil: the biomethane found in biogas can be used in place of fossil fuel derived methane to produce different varieties of plastic materials.

To fertilise farms: although this isn’t a direct application of biogas itself, the byproduct of creating biogas – known as digestate – can be treated and used as a nutrient-rich, organic  fertiliser for arable farms. 


Essentially, biogas is a valuable, sustainable fuel that can be used in a number of ways to reduce climate change and begin to replace fossil fuel consumption. 

Not only, though, is biogas a valuable commodity to the UK’s energy independence, manufacturing & industrial applications, arable farming and plastic production, but biogas production via anaerobic digestion can also provide farms & farmers with an effective waste management solution as well as an additional income stream. 


To find out more about our anaerobic digestion plant construction services, please click here or contact us to discuss your project.

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