What is renewable energy design?

What is renewable energy design? AMZCO Construction

What is renewable energy design and why is it important? 

All construction projects require care & consideration throughout all phases, especially though during the design phase, and none more so than renewable energy projects such as anaerobic digestion plants. And, if you’re wondering, what is renewable energy design? This is the article for you. Here, we’ll discuss renewable energy design and why it’s important. 

What is renewable energy design?

Renewable energy design describes the design of renewable energy projects prior to the construction phase, such as on & offshore wind, solar panel farms, Energy from Waste plants and anaerobic digestion plants; taking into account the layout of the site, the internal processes required and the intended technology. 

The design of renewable energy projects isn’t about making the plant itself or the site the plant sits on look good, the design phase is concerned, much more importantly, with finding the most efficient process and the most appropriate technology to ensure optimal energy production – and in the case of anaerobic digestion, this is biogas. 

So, why is renewable energy design important? 

Renewable energy design achieves a number of objectives during the pre-construction phase of a new project, including: 

  • Planning out and mapping the internal processes required to successfully produce energy [biogas]
  • Making accommodations for and gaining a deeper understanding of how the technology ‘fits in’ with the design of the plant as a whole
  • Enabling the client(s) and sub contractors to visualise the site and the plant within the boundaries of the site, as well as gain a deeper understanding of what needs to be achieved
  • Providing governing bodies and regulators with visualisations of the site 
  • Planning and visualising pathways and external processes for employees, feedstock storage, loading & unloading, the intended usages of the site etc. 
  • Planning out and making accommodations for additional elements of the site such as CHP systems

And much more, 

The design phase of a renewable energy construction project is integral to the overall and eventual success of the project in question; ensuring that everything is planned for prior to the construction phase. 


To find out more about our anaerobic digestion construction services, please click here or contact us to discuss your project. 

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